Die Casting
BCT offers a variety of machines to our Die Casting customers. We offer 1.25, 3, and 6 cubic foot Rubber Belt Tumble Blasts. Table Blasts in the following sizes: 48”, 70”, and 120”. We offer a full liner of Spinner Hangers and Wire Mesh Belts to handle those parts that can’t be tumbled, offering improved access, maintainability, and the ability to design the blast patterns to clean at different angles based on the productivity required. Our Wire Mesh Belts are compact, using our exclusive swing-out cabinet design for fast and safe access to the blast chamber, eliminating confined space.
Die Casting
Drum Blast
The best solution to eliminate pinch points and parts damage
Tumble Blast
Industry workhorse, replacing outdated equipment, improving safety, access and productivity
Wire Mesh Belt
Improved design, access for maintenance and safety platforms throughout
Spinner Hanger
BCT has set the bar with our standard and custom designs
Designs are available for all shapes and sizes of parts
You talk, we listen and design the system to meet each customers’ specific needs
Shot Blast Equipment
We design and engineer heavy-duty shot blast equipment that can handle even the toughest jobs. We offer a wide range of state-of-the-art products, or we can custom-design equipment with the right size, weight and production volume to fit your specific application.
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